3.5 Pièces, 91 m², 1. étage
Type de bien
Loyer par mois
CHF 1'950
6340 Inwil
En ligne depuis un mois
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En ligne depuis un mois
Type de bien
1. étage
Surface habitable
91 m²
Non disponible
Loyer par mois
Loyer par mois
CHF 1'950
Parking intérieur
Flat - Temporary
Temporary flat from March/April 2025 till end of July/August 2025. For 1 or 2 people. It is possible to free up one room a week or two earlier. Upon agreement.
The apartment has two bedrooms.
One bedroom I am using: The room has all, all closet, a 160x200 real wood bed, a cupboard, bookshelf and a table with two screens and a docking station. The table is electronically adjustable - meaning you have an office desk at home should you want to work from home. You also have a yoga mat should you want to exercise
The guestroom has all a guest needs and it has also a table and a chair.
The apartment is in a very calm area, first floor (no elevator needed), you are quickly out and quickly upstairs should you forget something. The bus station is about 3min away from the apartment.
It has a big balcony.
There is parking space in the garage.
If you are interested, please provide following information:
\- your profession and company you are working for
\- reason why you are seeking something temporary
\- any additional information about yourself, to help assess your suitability
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