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1 Pièce, 3. étage

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Chambre individuelle


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Loyer par mois

CHF 1'200

8049 Zurich

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Chambre individuelle




3. étage

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Loyer par mois

Loyer par mois

CHF 1'200

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Room in a shared flat for sublet 01 March-01 May 2025 (flexible)

We are looking for one person to sublet a room in a shared flat, available from 01 March until 01 May 2025 (flexible). The apartment is located between Meierhofplatz and ETH Hönggerberg (8049), with easy access to Zurich HB (~ 20 mins by tram 13 or bus 46) and the city center. The room has direct access to our private rooftop balcony with great views of the Alps, and is fully equipped with a comfortable bed, storage, and folding desk.

Aside from all the necessary amenities, the apartment also has a spacious living room with a fireplace for cozy winter nights and a parking space in the basement. Rent is 1200 CHF and includes all utilities (water, heating, electricity) and internet. We also have a laundry machine and dishwasher in the apartment.

The flat is shared with three lovely people: Nico (31), bonsai dad and post-doctoral researcher in infectious disease modelling. Nico likes to play football, buy tasteful antique furniture, and eat endless schokobons on the sofa. Ainesh (32), master dough-maker and clinical research statistician. Ainesh likes to cook, do mountain sports, and dance salsa. If you ask nicely, he may also teach you the latest Bollywood dance moves. Casimir (27), resident activist and researcher in climate science. Caz likes to play his electric guitar (with headphones on), watch films, and go on mountain adventures. You will be taking my room (Gianna, 30, PhD student) while I am away on a research visit in the Philippines.

We are looking for someone in their late-20s/30s who is considerate, responsible, and easy to be around. As we all take the initiative to keep the house tidy and improve our shared environment, we would appreciate someone who does the same :) If this sounds like a good fit for you, please send me a message with information about who you are and why you would be a good addition to the flat!

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